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Planting hedgerows to sustain wildlife

We have been planting hedgerows along the ditches between the vineyards at Château Anthonic since 2010.

Our aim is to create wildlife corridors connecting the wooded areas, which provide uninterrupted passageways for the fauna.

The birds and insects reappearing in the hedges are also natural predators of vineyard pests.

As soon as spring came after the first hedges, I had the joy of seeing garter snakes in the hedgerows again.

In 2022, we already have more than 4 kilometers of hedges that crisscross our vineyard.

Planting hedgerows to sustain wildlife

We have been planting hedgerows along the ditches between the vineyards at Château Anthonic since 2010.

Our aim is to create wildlife corridors connecting the wooded areas, which provide uninterrupted passageways for the fauna.

The birds and insects reappearing in the hedges are also natural predators of vineyard pests.

As soon as spring came after the first hedges, I had the joy of seeing garter snakes in the hedgerows again.

In 2022, we already have more than 4 kilometers of hedges that crisscross our vineyard.